
Unlocking the potential of law firms through strategic insights and expert guidance.

Can a Personal Injury Consultant Improve Law Firm Operations During Social Distancing?

The pandemic led to many managing attorneys taking a good, hard look at their law firm operations. Many law firms believed the only way to survive the pandemic was to cut pay and layoff their employees. For some, this type of cost control may have been necessary. What many legal industry...

8 Tips from Personal Injury Consultants: Working in the New Normal

As personal injury consultants, we understand the realities that personal injury claims and lawsuits haven’t gone away, COVID-19 claims have emerged, courts are backed up, and that as a personal injury lawyer, you need strategies that better serve your prospective and active clients...

What Stage of Growth Is Your Law Firm In?

Stages of growth are important for every business, including law firms. Identifying and understanding law firm growth stages are crucial to your current and future success. It helps you better interpret the success of your current objectives, determine future objectives, and also determine...

Law Firm Marketing With Mean Pug – Interview

So again, because we’re just going to be informal about this. I would like to take the next 30 minutes or so, and just talk about Mean Pug and a little bit about how you guys got started. What was the impetus for that, and then what you guys do and how that’s different from other firms out...

4 Work from Home Tips for Managing Partners of Law Firms

Even though law firms are all about risk management and protecting their clients’ rights, no one, including managing partners of law firms, can plan for a pandemic. While everyone hoped COVID-19 would no longer be such a threat to health and public safety and everything would...

What the Hiring Partner Must Consider When Choosing the Right Candidate

As the leading law firm consultants, we know the importance of often looking beyond the resume when choosing the right candidate for law firm job openings. In our decades of experience of small law firm coaching, we’ve learned that most law firms, regardless of size, fall into two..

Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act

How the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) Affects Your Business RJH Consulting is invested in the success of our clients and small business in general. We will be doing our best to communicate new legislation and help as it becomes available. The relief package...

How to Meet, Greet, And Earn The Trust Of A New Managing Partner

How to Meet, Greet, And Win Respect From A New Managing Partner There’s a new sheriff in town. Well, new managing partner anyway. And in most firms, the managing part­ner ascends to the position with scarcely any experi­ence in management, says Robert J. Henderson of RJH Cons...

The Ins, Outs, and Terms Of The Engagement Letter

The Ins, Outs, and Terms Of The Engagement Letter Who, What, And How Much It tells who’s representing whom for what and for how much. The purpose of engagement letter is to see that the firm gets paid and stays out of arguments, whether about the representation or...