
Unlocking the potential of law firms through strategic insights and expert guidance.

The Role of A Managing Partner in a Small Law Firm

I have been practicing law in the same firm since graduating from law school. During that time, my practice had been devoted almost ex­clusively to personal injury litigation. I was content to let others manage the firm while I “did my thing” as a trial lawyer. I was convinced I wasn’t cut out for mana...

Reassessing Your Law Firm’s Strategic Planning

It feels like 2018 just started, but we’re already well into the second quarter of the year! No matter if you run a small, medium or large law firm, this time of year is a great time to reset, reassess and make real changes in your law firm strategic planning. If your law firm isn’t where you want it...

How Competitive is Your Firm? The Industry Standard Might Surprise You

If you don’t know the benchmarks, you have no way of knowing if you’re meeting them. If your conversion rates are between 50% and 60%, the industry’s average conversion rate might surprise you. A competitive firm benchmark is anywhere between 87.5% to 92.5%. If you’re not in this...

Law Firm Management: The 80/20 Rule

Good law firm management requires the knowledge of needed organizational and practice management skills. It also requires personnel to have the leadership capabilities to apply those skills to obtain, guide, and motivate good people. Good management also involves the ability to delegate...

Non-Equity Partnership

In “traditional” old-line law firms, it was typical for a lawyer to join a firm upon graduation from law school. These lawyers work hard as an associate for five to seven years. Then, in most cases, be admitted to equity partnership, staying until death or retirement. Today, many firms, even smaller firms...

Are You Considering a Merger?

Law firm mergers can be tricky. Large and small law firms consider mergers because of perceived benefits such as improved client service, economies of scale or entrance into a new market. Whatever the reason, many mergers fail when due diligence is not used to properly identify the reasons for...

To See Better Profits, Look Harder at Where Money Starts & Ends

Particularly in a tight financial environment, a firm has to know where its money is coming in and going out. It also “has to be nimble and on top of what’s going on,” because the supply, the demand, and the acceptable price of legal work are constantly changing, says BOB HENDERSON of...